TASERS - Stun Guns - Taser Guns
The Department of Self Defense team has worked with our suppliers to provide the best TASER, best stun gun, and best taser gun products. Our collection includes top of the line TASER products, which offer the broadest protection at a premium price point. Our consumer focused taser and stun gun products provide the power you need for self defense. These non-lethal self defense products are designed for easy carry and quick response. You can expect our collection to feature the best tasers for sale.
We carry the latest in high voltage stun guns and rechargeable stun guns. Please see our full collection of TASERS for Women for products specifically designed for women. We have also posted our selections of the Best Stun Guns. Our team has organized the collection to feature our highest rated and best selling products first.
Department of Self Defense offers a 90 day warranty on all items sold. Additionally, through our Live to Fight Another Day Policy, we will replace any item purchased through us if lost or damaged while used in a self defense situation. Your safety is more important to us than the cost of a replacement product. It's that simple.
Please see our Stun Products Overview to determine the best product for your needs and our Stun Gun Restrictions page for purchase procedures and limitations.
Our customer service team is here to help you with any product questions.
(949)545-9111, Pacific.
Streetwise Ladies Choice 21,000,000 Volt Stun Gun-TEAL Pattern $ 30.95 Add to Cart
Stun Gun Disable Pin $ 5.95 Add to Cart
Ladies Choice 21,000,000 Volt Navy Quatrefoil Stun Gun $ 30.95 Add to Cart
TASER Bolt 2 $ 449.99 Add to Cart
TASER StrikeLight 2-White $ 169.99 Add to Cart
Streetwise Hot Rod 50,000,000 Dual Light Stun Gun-Gray $ 34.99 Add to Cart
Streetwise Hot Rod 50,000,000 Dual Light Stun Gun-Black $ 34.99 Add to Cart