With summer almost upon us and the excitement around upcoming summer vacations building, it’s easy to forget about Father’s Day. The team at the Department of Self Defense is here to help you avoid another year of struggling to find something for the man who has it all. We have compiled our list of the best-selling self-defense products for Dad that he is sure not to already have stashed away somewhere in the garage. What better way to let Dad know you care for him and appreciate everything he has done to protect you than by getting him a gift that he will use every day and will help keep him safe. As part of the Department of Self Defense salute to Dads everywhere, for a limited time, you can save $5 off a $50 purchase by using coupon code: Dad$5 at checkout.
ZAP Hike n Strike 950,000 Volts Stun Walking Stick- $79.95
Great for the weekend hikes and camping trips, the Hike n Strike pulls double duty both as a walking stick and as a stun gun with spiked electrodes that can offer up 950,000 volts to man or beast. Extending to 56” (29” closed), the Hike n Strike weighs only 18 oz so you won’t have to hear Dad complaining about how heavy it is on the hike back from the lake. In case he complains anyway and you decide to let him hike back alone, take comfort in knowing he will have a built-in LED flashlight so he will be able to find his way back in the dark. The unit features a two year warranty and features a cap to cover the stun function to make sure he doesn’t “accidentally” test it out on your Mom.
JOLT Police 45,000,000 Volt Tactical Stun Flashlight- $39.95

One of our best stun flashlights, the Jolt Police 45,000,000 Volt Tactical Stun Flashlight gives you a quality 2-in-1 stun/flashlight combination at a reasonable price. Dad always needs a flashlight, whether he is using it to catch your brother sneaking back in the house after a night of partying or changing a flat tire on the drive home from work, why not give him the added protection of a 45,000,000 volt stun gun? This bright LED flashlight is encased in military grade aluminum alloy to protect it from damage and comes with an easy carry holster with a belt loop. Plus, the Jolt is rechargeable so he doesn’t have an excuse to not get you a great birthday gift now that he won’t have to buy high priced replacement batteries. A great all around flashlight stun gun.
32 oz. Beer Can Diversion Safe- $14.95

Here’s to you Dad! Whether he needs to keep his stuff hidden from your Mom or burglars, this High Life diversion safe will do the trick. Made from a real 32 oz can of Miller High Life, this is a great gift that your dad is sure to appreciate. For the Dad who isn’t a fan of Miller, check out our other real-life product diversion safes including A&W Root Beer, Brut Shaving Foam, and Liquid Wrench.
ZAP Stun Walking Cane 1,000,000 Volt- $91.95

Don’t forget about Grandpa this Father’s Day. Grandpa might be too stubborn to admit he needs some help getting around these days, so why not make the conversation easier by telling him it’s just to disguise his new easy to use 1,000,000 volt stun gun. With the last 7.5” of the cane wrapped in electrodes, this unit will leave anyone messing with your Grandpa needing walking assistance of their own. Measuring 32” and extendable up to 36”, this cane supports up to 250lbs so Grandpa doesn’t have to cut back on the peanut brittle. Powered by a rechargeable battery, Grandpa also won’t be calling you every month to go pick up new batteries. This cane also features an ultra-bright LED flashlight so he can always see where he is going.
For more ideas on ways to honor Dad on his special day, check out our collections of other quality and low priced Stun Guns, Stun Flashlights, and Stun Batons as well as our TASER and Pepper Spray/Mace products. Don't forget our service team is here to help you. Call our service team at (949) 427-8889 from 9AM to 5PM Pacific with any of your product questions. Thanks Dad!